Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 2: Famous Last Words--Maximus

"There was once a dream that was Rome; it shall be realized."

Oh, Gladiator.  I finally watched this movie for the first time last Thursday, in preparation for my weekend trip to Rome.  (The same trip that can be blamed for the lateness of this and other posts this weekend.)  Three full days in Rome, with an average of 15 miles walked each day--no joke.  My feet still ache.  But it was worth it.  Totally and completely worth it.

The first day consisted mostly of the entire OUA group wandering around together, being informed of history by Kirk.  We even got to wear radios with one ear-piece, making us look very tourist/secret service, haha.  The first place we visited was the Colosseum.  THE COLOSSEUM.  Gahhh!  Are you entertained?  'Cause I was!  And it was just as cool by night as it originally was by day.  I still find it hard to believe I was actually there. . .

Later we headed over to the Roman forum, walking through while completely in shock, attempting to visualize what it must have looked like centuries ago.  Oh, the history!  I can't even describe the feeling. . .  On our way to the Pantheon (possibly my favorite place in Rome!), we visited the site of Julius Caesar's assassination.  The Julius Caesar.  Et tu, Brute?  Then fall, Caesar!

The Pantheon was incredible, beyond description.  The oculus provides such a sense of space and openness, while the various sculptures and paintings heighten the impressive aura of history and- and everything.  I can't express how amazing it was.

We walked home that night, passing monuments such as Castel San Angelo and the Vatican.  That's right, the Vatican.   It was literally a 5 minute walk from our hostel to the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica.  Incredible. . .

The second day was spent wandering the Vatican, while the night was spent wandering the streets and historical monuments of Rome.  The second night even ended with a gelato at 11:30 pm.  No joke.  (It was from Giulitti's and had 3 flavors--champagne, Italian opera, and mint.  Best.  Gelato.  Everrrr.)  But back to the Vatican.

Not only is it the Vatican, but the sheer amount of art and history enclosed in those walls is truly remarkable.  Even spending hours and hours walking those halls, we didn't even see a fraction of the art held there.  But we saw works by Raphael, da Vinci, Matisse, Van Gogh, Dali, and so many more!  We viewed the Belvedere torso, Laocoon, Augustus d' Prima Porta, La Pieta.  The Sistine Chapel.  And The School of Athens.  So much wonderful art in one day, I was seriously overwhelmed.

That day we weren't able to enter St. Peter's Basilica because of the length of the line outside, but the following day we got up early and entered quickly.  And, goodness, once again I was overwhelmed.  Masses were going on, echoing through the gilded halls.  Mosaics decorated the walls, and statues lined the nave and aisles.  In the grotto we were able to see the supposed resting place of St. Peter, and it was simply awesome.

After venturing around the interior of the basilica itself, we walked up the 551 stairs to reach the top of the dome and the remarkable vista of Rome from above.  Though my legs felt like jelly by the time I reached the dome, again, it was definitely worth it.  Though the thin, steep staircases with sloping walls near the top were no joke.  By the time we were at the top the line to enter the basilica seen below reached all the way around the courtyard in a complete circle, and there was some kind of event occurring in the middle of the piazza.

All in all, I had an unforgettable weekend in one of the cities I was looking forward to the most.  Even if I got little sleep and walked an innumerable number of miles, I wouldn't have traded this trip for anything.  Great company, great city, ancient history. . . What more could you ask for?!


Image Information.  These are all personal photos, taken from Jan. 23-25, 2015.  In order, they are images of the interior of the Colosseum, the exterior of the Colosseum by night, Castel San Angelo, Raphael's School of Athens, the main dome of St. Peter's Basilica, and the view from partway up inside St. Peter's Basilica.


  1. Just to say THANK YOU for this gorgeous post and all the pictures, Jessica!!! I saw a tweet with people at the Colosseum, so I figured you must be there. So fabulous... I love Rome; every time I have been there has been a complete pleasure!!! And there is SO MUCH to see there; I hope you will get to go back again during your stay!!!

  2. Wow, your pictures of Rome were so gorgeous! The architecture there is incredible. I have never been to Rome (one of the places to go on my bucket list) and just by looking at the pictures & reading your descriptions, it was like I was there too. Even though you walked a ton, I bet you enjoyed every minute of it. My feet would have been aching too with all that walking. Lol Thanks for sharing your weekend with all of us.
